2016/03/15 - Sounds on hover and click on buttons
The main menu icons received a little makeover. Firstly the orders of the buttons has changed to make the inn more prominent. Secondly, the icons are going up when leaving the mouse over them. Also they get a little sound at the same time. Another sound is played when the icon is clicked.
Other buttons in the interface have received the same treatment (sound on hover and sound on click)
On the back side, there has been a few improvements too:
- cleaning in the code (deleting files that are not needed any more),
- making of a few sprites (images that contain several images) to minimize the number of requests to the server and improve the pages loading time,
- concatenating and compressing some Javascript files that had never been dealt with. This should also lower the number of requests to the server and pages loading time,
The number of requests to the server and total traffic should be shrinked by about 10%.