It's 20 points for the bonus, but it can be a killer, and why it forms the basis of a strong strategy. There's really not much you can do to mitigate it if your opponent gets 8 out of the 12 cards for any particular expedition, especially if they have a couple of $ cards in the run. It's a mix of luck and clever hand management in that respect.
The trouble with removing that 20 point bonus is that it then becomes a game purely of who gets the high cards, so is then far more luck based. Playing to achieve that 8 card run, and knowing it will ultimately trump simply having 8s, 9s or 10s in any colour, is what makes the game.
In answer to the original post... yeah, it's a question of adapting, and knowing that those 8-card runs will destroy you when they happen.
Lost Cities isn't my favourite, personally speaking, because the luck of the draw is still very swingy. Hanamikoji is far more tactical, but obviously very different. Keltis Or adds dice manipulation to the Lost Cities set up, but the games take twice as long if not more, and that drags from about two-thirds in if you know you're probably going to lose.