To summarize the clues :
_Released in the last 5 years
_Card-only game (no dices etc.)
_2-players only
_Include set collection ("sometimes")
_Strategic (more than game)
_Not released in France
_No card drafting, No path cards
_No Mythical theme
_No physical violence theme, or very little (war, mafia...)
_Award game
_Scorekeeping/point counting, (maybe possible above 100pts)
_Less than 500 rating on BGG
_Minimum age : below 10
_Historical theme. But not a strong one.
_Several designers
_NOT a known game author (Not a Reiner Knizia for example...!)
_New editor an happymeeple
Games already proposed :
_Tides of Time
_7 Wonders Duel
_ Throne and the Grail