To solve a), we could just add a new kind of "building" like for example a lake - that would come with 100 living (and thus non-perishable) fish in it when you "build" it. Therefore no need for an extra icon for non- perishable food.
Is that what you'd like to see?
Really like that idea; best proposal for a new World item that I've heard of yet. Thumbs up!
What you'd also want to determine for this is the other issue I was going to raise about the Wheat fields. How does the lake 'end'?
I mean, when the fish are used up does the lake just stay there, never to be (re)built again? And how will it appear different from a lake with fish... if there are fish it has a ripple or a wave in it, with a smooth look when it doesn't have fish? Or can it be removed altogether and built again after some time has passed or with enough King's Favors?
With the Wheat field I might be missing something, because so far it seems like once we've seeded the field we have to continue indefinitely - the alternative being having a nice customized World with a rotting harvest sitting in the middle of it, which is what we seem to be stuck with now. At least, I haven't been able to find a way to remove or fix.