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Messages - Guest 171790

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Is the original name in English?
Yes. 100 gold coins for you.

Thank You!!

Does it take more than 4 minutes to play (happy meeple scale)?

Is the original name in English?

Lost Cities / Re: Bug: tiles showing clear
« on: 27/04/18, 03:59pm »
Every single tile was transparent on my game :/
match id 2740672
windows 10 laptop
connection ok, wifi (home)

Lost Cities / Re: Wrong Area Highlighted
« on: 26/04/18, 09:27am »
Hi Jamie,

A big thank you for all your feedback. This is very much appreciated and needed. Let me credit 1000 gold coins to your account to thank you!

On this particular one, I suspect the problem only comes from a slow computer on your side. Either it takes too long to refresh the page or too long to parse the code (more likely).

Does anyone else see this?

I see same thing.

Lost Cities / Re: Bug: tiles showing clear
« on: 17/04/18, 04:16pm »
Hello all,

For those who do have the bugs, can you let me know the answer to this question? We need this information to help Google find the issue.

1) when the cards are transparent, does this always happen the first time a particular color is shown or is it possible that sometimes, the card (for example green) displays correctly and at some point turns transparent?

2) do you have a good Internet connection?

Thanks for your help!

1) The game starts with a color showing transparent and it does not change until the end of the game.
2) I have a decent internet connection

Hello Regisbull!
Have you tried "access by link only"?
I m not saying this is the answer to your post. This way just works for me when I want to play against a bot. :)

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