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Why are we different?
Current offer
As of today, there are a few online servers where one can play modern board games against human opponents.
BrettSpielWelt, the biggest of all, offers around 100 different games with a traffic of 2000 simultaneous players.
However popular, these servers are not accessible to a wide audience. The reasons are multiple:
- lack of tutorial, the player needs to read the rules (sometimes heavy) before playing
- lack of players for certain games (or for all games), see critical mass problem below
- niche market: the games are not known by many people and they are often “heavy”
- lack of multi-language support
- poor user experience
Happy Meeple offer
From the start, Happy Meeple was designed to avoid the problems described above. We wanted to build something accessible to the mass market.
The board game world is full of gems: our task is to introduce to this wonderful world.
From the start, we wanted that everyone could play on Happy Meeple.